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Since 1913, we have stood behind the quality of our products. That's why for our customers, if you are not happy with your item, you can send it back to us, with no questions asked. Our return and exchange policy is valid for *30 days from when the item was shipped, and make sure the original tags are attached, and it has not been worn.
Read below for more information about our return policy regarding our USA customers and our INTERNATIONAL customers.
Need to exchange an item? No problem. The shipping label for the first exchange is FREE.
Need to return an item? The shipping label is a flat rate label of $9.95.
1. Enter your email and order number below.
2. Use your credit to choose your exchange and proceed to the shopping cart to check out.
3. Print the exchange label sent to your email.
4. Package up your item (the original box works best) and attach the printed label making sure the original label is removed or covered up.
5. Drop off at any FEDEX SHIPPING CENTER.
1. Enter your email and order number below
2. Print the flat rate label sent to your email.
3. Package up your item (the original box works best) and attach the printed label making sure the original label is removed or covered up.
4. Drop off at any FEDEX SHIPPING CENTER.
Please note: We cannot ship out the exchanged item until the original is received and processed. So it may take up to 7-10 days after our receipt to process your credit or exchange. However, if you are unwilling to wait that long, you can purchase a new order, and return your unwanted item for credit. As always, we're here to help. Reach out to our customer service team if you have any questions either through Live Chat, CUSTOMERSERVICE@SCHOTTNYC.COM, or by calling 1-800-631-5407.
For international customers, there are higher shipping costs, so we want to make sure you love the item you've purchased. We strongly recommend that you confirm sizing and order details with our customer service team prior to placing the order. You will be responsible for all freight and duty charges relating to a returned shipment. If a shipment is returned undelivered, we will credit the value of the order less freight charges in both directions. For any other issues, or additional help please reach out to our customer service team via Live Chat, CUSTOMERSERVICE@SCHOTTNYC.COM, or calling 1-908-527-0011.
Shipping Information and Customs Declaration
Address for Returns:
Schott NYC Returns & Exchanges
735 Rahway Ave.
Union, NJ 07083